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Send Signature Request

Creates and sends a new Signature Request with the submitted documents.

Request Body
file_url string

The url of the file, which will be downloaded and signed. This endpoint requires either file or file_url, but not both.

file binary

The uploaded file to send for signature. This endpoint requires either file or file_url, but not both.

signers object[] REQUIRED

Add Signers to your Signature Request.

email_address string REQUIRED
name string REQUIRED
group number

The signing order of signer for the Signature Request with signing_type is ORDER. Required if signing_type is ORDER.

Only signers in 1st Signers group will receive email/notification, signers in subsequent groups will receive email/notification when all signers in previous group has signed.

Group starts incrementing at 1.

The default value for group always is 1 if signing_type is SAME_TIME.

viewers object[]

Add Viewers to your Signature Request.

email_address string REQUIRED
name string REQUIRED
title string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 255

The title you want to give the Signature Request.

expires_at unix-epoch REQUIRED

When the Signature Request will expire. This is a unix epoch timestamp (miliseconds). Should be later than today.

use_text_tags boolean

Set to true to enable Text Tag parsing in your document. Your Text Tags will be converted into UI components for the user to interact with. Defaults to false.

signing_type string

Possible values: [SAME_TIME, ORDER]

The signing order for the Signature Request. Defaults to SAME_TIME.


Expected response to a valid request


Contains information about a Signature Request.

signature_request_id string

The unique identifier for the Signature Request.

created_at string

The time the Signature Request was created.

status string


The status of the Signature Request.


Unexpected error

error_code string
error_message string